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What Is A Christian: Week 1 - Who Is God?

Understanding Who God Is: A Deep Dive into His Nature and Character

When we try to define who God is, our human minds often struggle to fully grasp His nature. While some might picture a figure in the clouds, God's true nature is far more complex and magnificent.

God as the Holy and All-Powerful Creator

Genesis 1:1 reveals God as the creator of everything - both the physical and spiritual realms. With just His words, He spoke the entire universe into existence. Consider this: our galaxy alone contains around 300 billion stars, and scientists estimate there are up to 2 trillion galaxies in our observable universe.

This creative power demonstrates God's unlimited authority and might. He is not just powerful - He is all-powerful, able to create entire realms of existence with mere words.

God's Holiness and Our Response

In Isaiah 6, we see a profound vision of God's holiness. Even mighty seraphim cover their faces in His presence, crying "Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty." Isaiah's response to this vision was immediate recognition of his own unworthiness - an appropriate response to God's perfect holiness.

God as King and Authority

As Creator, God has rightful authority over His creation. This can be challenging for humans, especially in our independent-minded culture. Yet His kingship is fundamentally different from human authority - it's perfect, just, and motivated by love.

The Patient and Merciful Judge

While God is judge, He is also:

  1. Compassionate and gracious

  2. Slow to anger

  3. Abounding in love and faithfulness

  4. Patient with His people

As stated in 2 Peter 3:9, He is "patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance."

God as Our Loving Father

Perhaps most remarkably, this all-powerful, holy God desires to be known as our Father. John 3:16 demonstrates this paternal love - He gave His Son to save us, not to condemn us. His ultimate goal is our redemption and restoration.

Life Application

Understanding who God is should transform how we live. Consider these questions:

  1. How does your view of God affect your daily life and decisions?

  2. Does your prayer and worship reflect an understanding of both God's majesty and His fatherly love?

  3. Are you living in response to God's patience and mercy toward you?

This week, challenge yourself to approach God with both the reverence He deserves as Creator and King, and the confidence He offers as our loving Father. Let this understanding shape your worship, prayer, and daily walk with Him.

Remember: When we truly know who God is, it naturally leads us to repentance and transformation. As Romans 12:1-2 teaches, our proper response is to offer ourselves as living sacrifices, being transformed by the renewing of our minds.

If you’d like a reminder, click here to download this image you can use on your phone to remind you of who God is every time you look at your phone! https://www.hopesummitchurch.com/wiac



Living Together in Light of Christ's Return: 1st Thessalonians 5:12-28

Living Together in Light of Christ's Return: A Call to Unity and Love

The anticipation of Christ's return should fundamentally shape how we live and interact with one another as believers. Rather than viewing Christianity as a set of individual rules for conduct, we are called to live in unity and love, ensuring no one gets left behind as we await Jesus' return.

Why Does Christ's Return Matter for How We Live?

The early church lived with an acute awareness that Jesus could return at any moment. While 2,000 years have passed and we may have grown complacent, we are called to maintain this same sense of urgency and anticipation. This tension should motivate how we treat one another and live out our faith.

What Are the Key Ways We Should Live in Light of Christ's Return?

  1. Acknowledge and appreciate those working hard for the Kingdom

  2. Live in peace with one another

  3. Warn those who are idle or disruptive

  4. Encourage the disheartened

  5. Help the weak

  6. Be patient with everyone

  7. Don't repay wrong for wrong

  8. Strive to do good for each other

Why Unity Matters More Than Individual Salvation

The American church often emphasizes individual salvation, but Scripture presents a different picture. Jesus died "so that we may live together with him" (1 Thessalonians 5:10). The goal isn't just personal salvation, but arriving together as the unified body of Christ.

How Should We View Those Who Might Get Left Behind?

We must actively look for those at risk of being left behind:

  1. The discouraged and weak

  2. Those who have grown idle in their faith

  3. The disruptive ones causing division

  4. Those we struggle to love

Our call is to ensure no one gets left behind, reflecting Christ's heart that none should perish.

Life Application

Consider these questions:

  1. Who in your life might be at risk of being left behind spiritually?

  2. What specific action can you take this week to encourage, strengthen, or restore unity with another believer?

  3. How would you live differently if you knew Jesus was returning this week?

Challenge: Identify one person who needs encouragement, reconciliation, or support in their faith journey. Take concrete steps this week to reach out to them, remembering that we are called to arrive at Christ's return together, not alone.



What's The Forcast? 1st Thessalonians 5:1-11

Living in Light of Christ's Return: Understanding the Spiritual Forecast

Just as weather forecasts guide our daily plans, spiritual forecasts should direct our lives as Christians. The Apostle Paul provided the Thessalonians with a clear spiritual forecast to guide both their individual lives and the church community.

What is the Ultimate Spiritual Forecast?

The fundamental truth is clear: Jesus will return. While no one knows the exact time, this return will be sudden and unexpected, like a thief in the night. For believers, this will be a day of great excitement, but for those who haven't accepted Christ, it will be a day of dread.

How Should Christians Live While Waiting?

Paul outlines several key characteristics of those who live in anticipation of Christ's return:

Children of Light

- We belong to the day, not darkness

- We should be spiritually awake and alert

- We must maintain clear-mindedness and self-control

Spiritual Armor

- Wear the breastplate of faith and love

- Put on the helmet of salvation

- Stay protected against doubt and worldly influences

What Does it Mean to Live Expectantly?

Living expectantly means:

  1. Maintaining eternal values

  2. Staying spiritually alert

  3. Building up fellow believers

  4. Reaching out to those who don't know Christ

How Can We Make a Difference?

The most effective way to impact our world is through Jesus' method: one person at a time. This means:

  1. Identifying one person who needs Christ

  2. Building meaningful relationships

  3. Sharing the hope of salvation

  4. Staying committed to bringing others into God's light

Life Application

This week's challenge: Identify one specific person in your life who needs to know Christ. Commit to reaching out to them and sharing God's love in a meaningful way.

Ask yourself:

  1. Who is the one person God is placing on my heart to reach?

  2. Am I living as a child of light in ways that reflect Christ to others?

  3. How can I better prepare myself for Christ's return while helping others do the same?

Remember, we were created for an eternal relationship with God. Just as a guitar needs proper tuning to create beautiful music, our lives need proper spiritual alignment to fulfill our divine purpose. Let's live each day expecting Christ's return while helping others prepare for that glorious day.



You Asked For It: Can (or Should) We Speak With The Dead?

What Does the Bible Say About Mediums and Consulting the Dead?

The desire to communicate with loved ones who have passed away is deeply human. Many of us would give anything for one more conversation with someone we've lost. But what does the Bible say about attempting to communicate with the dead through mediums or other spiritual practices?

God's Clear Stance on Consulting Mediums

Scripture is unambiguous about God's position on consulting mediums and spiritists. In Deuteronomy 18:9-14, these practices are called "detestable" to the Lord. God specifically forbids His people from engaging in divination, sorcery, interpreting omens, witchcraft, casting spells, or consulting the dead.

Why Does God Prohibit These Practices?

According to Leviticus 19:31, consulting mediums and spiritists defiles us. These practices represent spiritual shortcuts that bypass God's intended way of communication with Him. Like most sins, they are attempts to get what we want outside of God's will and timing.

The Reality of the Spiritual World

While there is indeed a spiritual realm "thinly veiled" from our physical world, God has established proper channels for spiritual communication. The enemy can use signs and wonders to deceive people, as warned in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10 and Mark 13:22.

The Example of King Saul

1 Samuel 28 provides a sobering example of what happens when we desperately seek spiritual answers outside of God's established ways. After the prophet Samuel's death, King Saul found himself terrified and facing a massive Philistine army. When God wouldn't answer him through proper channels, Saul made the tragic choice to consult a medium at Endor – the very practice he had previously banned from Israel.

This decision reveals several warning signs:

  • Desperation leading to compromise

  • Choosing fear over faith

  • Attempting to bypass God's silence

  • Returning to sins we once rejected

The outcome was disastrous. Instead of finding comfort, Saul received news of his impending defeat and death. His story serves as a powerful reminder that disobeying God's clear commands about mediums, even in desperate circumstances, leads to darkness rather than light.

How Should We Hear from God?

Instead of seeking shortcuts through mediums or other practices, God wants us to:

  1. Read and study His Word consistently

  2. Develop a disciplined prayer life

  3. Engage in Christian community

  4. Listen for His "whisper" through these spiritual disciplines

Life Application

This week, consider these questions and challenges:

  1. What spiritual shortcuts am I tempted to take instead of pursuing God's way?

  2. Am I developing the spiritual disciplines needed to hear God's voice?

  3. How can I be a conduit of God's truth to others seeking spiritual connection?

Challenge: Commit to spending 15 minutes each day this week in quiet Bible reading and prayer, eliminating distractions to better hear God's whisper.

Remember, while the desire to connect with loved ones who have passed is natural, God has given us His Spirit and His Word as our primary means of spiritual guidance and comfort.



You Asked For It: Once Saved Always Saved?

Can You Lose Your Salvation? Understanding God's Love and Grace

For centuries, Christians have debated whether it's possible to lose your salvation. This challenging question stems from some seemingly scary verses in the Bible and touches on our deepest fears about our relationship with God.

What Does Salvation Really Mean?

Salvation is fundamentally about what God does, not what we do. Like someone trapped in a burning building who needs rescue, we cannot save ourselves from our spiritual condition. Jesus Christ came to rescue us from the consequences of our sin.

Two Important States of Salvation

According to Hebrews 10:14, believers exist in two simultaneous states:

  1. Made perfect forever through Christ's sacrifice

  2. Being made holy through an ongoing process

This creates an interesting tension - we are both completely saved and being transformed at the same time.

Is Faith Enough for Salvation?

While intellectual belief in God is important, James 2:19 reminds us that even demons believe in God. True saving faith requires more than just mental acknowledgment - it requires action and relationship.

What God Really Wants: Love and Relationship

The heart of salvation isn't about rules or religious duties - it's about love. Deuteronomy 6:5 reveals God's unchanging desire: "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength."

Can Sin Cause Us to Lose Salvation?

Rather than asking if we can lose salvation like a possession, we should consider:

  1. Can we fall out of love with God?

  2. Can sin harden our hearts against God?

  3. Are we holding firmly to our original conviction about needing a Savior?

Life Application

This week, focus on these key questions:

  1. Are you treating salvation as a relationship with God or just a ticket to heaven?

  2. What is your "original conviction" about needing Jesus as your Savior?

  3. How can you demonstrate your love for God in practical ways?

Challenge: Each day this week, encourage another believer in their faith walk. Remember that today is always "today" - don't wait to start encouraging others.

Remember: Salvation is more about God's faithful love than our perfect performance. Keep your eyes on Jesus and hold firmly to your conviction that He alone is your Savior.



You Asked For It: Good Intention or Holy Intentions?

Understanding God's Justice and Love: Making Sense of Violence in the Bible

When reading the Bible, particularly the Old Testament, many struggle with passages where God commands the destruction of entire peoples. This challenging topic requires us to approach it with humility and an open mind to understand God's perspective.

The Difficult Command

In 1 Samuel 15:3 and Deuteronomy 20:16-17, God commands the complete destruction of certain peoples, including men, women, children, and animals. This seems to contradict our understanding of a loving God who gives life rather than takes it.

Why Would a Loving God Command Such Actions?

God's motivation was not religious persecution, but rather protection of His people from corrupting influences. These nations practiced horrific customs, including child sacrifice to false gods like Molech, where infants were placed on heated metal altars to die as acts of worship.

Understanding God's Holy Intentions vs. Our Good Intentions

While we may have good intentions in questioning these commands, God operates with holy intentions - seeing the full picture of how sin spreads and destroys. Like a surgeon removing diseased tissue to save a life, God sometimes must take severe action to prevent greater suffering and death.

The Consequences of Disobedience

When the Israelites failed to fully carry out God's commands, they were influenced by these nations' practices, leading to:

  1. Adoption of child sacrifice

  2. Worship of false gods

  3. Widespread suffering and death

  4. Eventually their own exile and judgment

God's Consistent Character

The same God who commanded judgment also:

  1. Offered grace to anyone who would turn to Him (like Rahab)

  2. Provided laws protecting foreigners who chose to follow Him

  3. Ultimately sent Jesus as an innocent sacrifice to save humanity

Life Application

Consider these questions this week:

  1. Where do I need to trust God's wisdom even when I don't fully understand His ways?

  2. Am I humble enough to acknowledge that God's perspective is greater than mine?

  3. How can I better appreciate both God's justice and mercy in my daily life?

Challenge: This week, practice surrendering your judgment in situations where you don't understand God's ways. Instead of questioning His methods, pray for understanding and trust in His perfect wisdom and love.



Guilt and Shame: Finding Freedom in Christ

Understanding Guilt and Shame: A Biblical Perspective on Freedom in Christ

When feelings of guilt and shame overwhelm us, it's crucial to understand the difference between godly sorrow that leads to repentance and worldly sorrow that leads to death. This biblical perspective helps us navigate these complex emotions and find freedom in Christ.

What's the Difference Between Godly Sorrow and Worldly Sorrow?

According to 2 Corinthians 7:10, godly sorrow brings repentance that leads to salvation without regret, while worldly sorrow brings death. This distinction is vital for understanding how to process feelings of guilt and shame.

The Role of the Holy Spirit vs. The Enemy

Two key players are involved when we experience guilt and shame:

  • The Holy Spirit:

    • Convicts us of sin and righteousness

    • Leads us to repentance

    • Points us toward freedom

    • Reminds us of our identity in Chris

  • The Enemy (Satan):

    • Condemns and accuses

    • Tries to change our identity

    • Keeps us trapped in shame

    • Leads to death and despair

How Can We Know Which Voice We're Hearing?

The key difference lies in the outcome:

  1. The Holy Spirit's conviction leads to action and repentance

  2. The enemy's condemnation leads to identity changes and shame spirals

What Does Scripture Say About Our Identity?

Key biblical truths about our identity:

  1. There is no condemnation for those in Christ (Romans 8:1)

  2. We are cleansed from a guilty conscience (Hebrews 10:22)

  3. Those who trust in Him will never be put to shame (1 Peter 2:6)

Life Application

This week, challenge yourself to:

  1. Recognize false identity statements you make about yourself

  2. Replace lies with truth about who you are in Christ

  3. Remember there is no condemnation for those in Christ

Questions to reflect on:

  1. What lies have I believed about my identity

  2. How can I better distinguish between godly conviction and enemy condemnation?

  3. What biblical truths about my identity do I need to embrace more fully?

Remember: You are not defined by your mistakes or sins, but by your identity as a beloved child of God. When shame tries to take hold, remind yourself of who you are in Christ and stand firm in that truth.



You Asked For: Are There Different Severities of Sin?

Understanding God's Perspective on Sin and Life

Life through Jesus offers something far greater than what our old life of sin and death could provide. While we may sometimes feel pulled back toward old habits and desires, they ultimately leave us empty and unfulfilled compared to the joy and peace found in Christ.

Can God Create a Rock So Big He Can't Lift It?

This question attempts to create a paradox to disprove God's unlimited nature. However, the question itself is flawed because it tries to put limits on a limitless God. Scripture tells us that "with God all things are possible" (Matthew 19:26) and that His understanding has no limits (Psalm 147:5).

To illustrate the difference between a million and a billion, we talked about in terms we might understand. A million seconds works out to a little over 11 days. A billion seconds is….over 30 years! And a trillion seconds? It would take 1,000 generations to experience 1 trillion seconds. Our human minds struggle to comprehend true infinity - whether in terms of space, time, or power. The vastness of the universe, with its billions of galaxies, gives us just a glimpse of God's unlimited nature. He exists outside of our limited understanding of time and space. This perspective on God set’s up our next question.

Are There Different Levels of Sin?

From our human perspective, we often try to categorize sins as "worse" or "better." However, God's perspective is different. Romans 6:23 tells us "the wages of sin is death" - all sin leads to death and separation from God. While there may be different earthly consequences for various sins, God's primary concern is whether we are spiritually dead in sin or alive in Christ.

How Do We Receive New Life?

The path to life comes through:

  1. Faith in Jesus Christ

  2. Believing in His death and resurrection

  3. Accepting His gift of righteousness

  4. Being justified through faith

  5. Experiencing baptism as a symbol of dying to sin and rising to new life

Life Application

This week, instead of comparing sins or trying to justify behavior, focus on this core question: Are you living in death or in life? Consider:

  1. Do you truly believe Jesus loves you and offers new life?

  2. Are you still finding satisfaction in things that lead to death?

  3. What areas of your life need to be surrendered to experience more of Christ's life?

  4. How can you pursue things that lead to life rather than death?

The challenge is to stop playing the comparison game with sin and instead embrace the new life Jesus offers - a life that finds no satisfaction in the empty promises of sin but finds complete fulfillment in Christ. We spent a lot of time in Romans this week. It’s so full of this language and helps us understand how we move from dead to sin to alive in Christ. Take some time this week to read Romans.



You Asked For It: How Can God Be Loving When Bad Things Happen?


With a new year comes a new series! For the next few weeks, we’ll be in a series called “You asked for it” where we tackle some tough questions submitted by you all. At Hope Summit, we don’t shy away from the tough questions. Your mess is welcome here, and we feel it’s part of our mission to wade through the mess with you. So this week we dive right it. How can God be loving when bad things happen? When facing severe injustice or suffering, many people struggle with reconciling God's love with their painful circumstances. This week we look at how four biblical figures dealt with injustice while maintaining their faith.

Four Biblical Examples of Facing Injustice

David's Experience

Despite being anointed as future king, David faced persecution from King Saul and had to flee for his life. In Psalm 13, he cried out asking how long God would forget him, yet ultimately declared his trust in God's unfailing love. In 1st Samuel 24, we read about a time when David had the opportunity to kill King Saul, who had relentlessly been pursuing David, seeking to take his own life. Despite this opportunity we could have hardly faulted him for taking, we see he instead chose to trust in God, his goodness, and his timing. Even if he didn’t feel it at the moment, he understood God’s love involved a bigger picture he couldn’t fully comprehend. 

Habakkuk's Story

As a prophet facing rejection and persecution, Habakkuk questioned God about injustice. In chapter 1, he cries out: "How long, Lord, must I call for help, but you do not listen? Or cry out to you, 'Violence!' but you do not save? Why do you make me look at injustice? Why do you tolerate wrongdoing? Destruction and violence are before me; there is strife, and conflict abounds.” Like Habakkuk, we can take our raw questions to God. He’s not afraid of what you have to say. But what’s important is that Habakkuk maintained dialogue with God even while questioning Him. God responded by teaching him to live by faith and trust in His perfect timing.

Elijah's Trial

After a great victory against the prophets of Baal, Elijah had to run for his life from Queen Jezebel. Even strong believers can face seasons of doubt and even depression. God often meets us in our weakness. In Elijah’s despair, God spoke to him not through dramatic displays but through a whisper, providing him with rest and a gentle restoration. 

Paul's Persecution

Despite faithfully planting churches, Paul faced severe persecution including being stoned and left for dead. Despite facing beatings, imprisonment, and constant opposition, Paul maintained an eternal perspective. In 2 Corinthians 4:17-18 he writes that "our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all." He maintained his faith and taught about God's perfect righteousness.

Understanding God's Perfect Love

God's love is perfect and complete, extending to both the righteous and unrighteous. This can be hard for us to understand since human love is inherently biased and imperfect. God allows both sun and rain to fall on everyone equally, demonstrating His perfect justice and love.

Why Does God Allow Suffering?

The difficult truth is that we live in a broken world where no one is truly righteous except Jesus Christ. The book of Job addresses the issues of why God allows suffering. In fact, that's one of the key points of the book - when Job demands answers from God about his suffering, God responds not with a philosophical explanation but with questions about His sovereignty and wisdom. God allows suffering while walking alongside us through it, using these circumstances to demonstrate His power, sovereignty and wisdom, through our faith, trust, and perseverance in him.

Life Application

Consider these questions:

  1. What injustice or pain are you currently facing?

  2. How can you trust God's perfect love even when circumstances are difficult?

  3. Where do you see opportunities to be God's hands and feet in responding to suffering?

This week's challenge: Instead of praying for God to remove difficulties, ask Him to strengthen you through them and use you to demonstrate His love to others who are suffering. Look for practical ways to show up and serve in places where people question God's goodness. God's love is perfect and His plan is perfect, even when we don't understand it. Our role is to trust Him and be His representatives of love in a broken world. Remember, one of the ways that we can let people know God really is loving is by showing up and representing him, even in the really tough stuff of life.



The Interconnectedness of Faith


As we transition from Christmas to the New Year, Pastor Lance shared valuable insights on the importance of interconnectedness within the church and our personal lives. This summary will help you grasp the key points and apply them to your life.

Why Do We Struggle with New Year's Resolutions?

Many of us start the New Year with resolutions, only to abandon them by "Quitters Day," the second Friday of January. Instead of making resolutions, Pastor Lance prefers to plan projects for the year. This approach led him to reflect on the importance of interconnectedness, both in our personal lives and within the church.

The Importance of Interconnectedness in the Church: What Happens When We Isolate Ourselves?

Pastor Lance shared about some of his gardening experiences, specifically one attempt he made at growing corn. His small patch of corn just didn’t take, and a farmer friend of his told him something simple yet profound, “Corn needs Corn”. Just like corn needs other corn to grow, Christians need each other to thrive. When we isolate ourselves, we stunt our spiritual growth. This lack of interconnectedness can lead to weak faith, empty hope, and sparse joy.

The Church as an Organism

The church is not just a building; it's an organism made up of interconnected parts. In 1 Corinthians 12:12-14, Paul explains that the church is like a body with many parts, all working together. When we treat the church as an organization rather than an organism, we risk stunting its growth.

The First Growth Factor: Interdependence

Interdependence or connectedness is crucial for growth. Just as corn needs to be planted close together to thrive, Christians need to be connected to grow spiritually. This interconnectedness strengthens our faith and helps us mature in Christ. Our personal lives are interconnected in ways we often overlook. Ephesians 4:17-24 teaches us that our actions in one area of life affect all other areas. Holding back any part of our life from Christ's lordship impacts our entire life and our relationship with Him.

The Impact of Compartmentalization

Many of us try to compartmentalize our lives, thinking that one area won't affect another. However, this is a lie. Every part of our life is interconnected, and holding back any area from Christ will inevitably affect our entire life.

Life Application: How Can We Apply This to Our Lives?

1. Read Ephesians 3 and 4: Take time to read these chapters and ask God what He wants you to hear about your life.

2. Examine Your Life: Identify areas where you might be compartmentalizing and holding back from Christ.

3. Take Action: Do what God tells you. Confess any sins and make changes to align your life with His will.

Questions to Reflect On

1. Are you isolating yourself from the church community?

2. How are you compartmentalizing your life, and how is it affecting your relationship with Christ?

3. What steps can you take this week to become more interconnected with your church and align your life with God's will?


Interconnectedness is vital for spiritual growth, both within the church and in our personal lives. By understanding and applying these principles, we can strengthen our faith and grow closer to Christ. Take the challenge this week to read Ephesians 3 and 4, examine your life, and make the necessary changes to live more interconnectedly.


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