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What Does the Bible Say About Mediums and Consulting the Dead?

The desire to communicate with loved ones who have passed away is deeply human. Many of us would give anything for one more conversation with someone we've lost. But what does the Bible say about attempting to communicate with the dead through mediums or other spiritual practices?

God's Clear Stance on Consulting Mediums

Scripture is unambiguous about God's position on consulting mediums and spiritists. In Deuteronomy 18:9-14, these practices are called "detestable" to the Lord. God specifically forbids His people from engaging in divination, sorcery, interpreting omens, witchcraft, casting spells, or consulting the dead.

Why Does God Prohibit These Practices?

According to Leviticus 19:31, consulting mediums and spiritists defiles us. These practices represent spiritual shortcuts that bypass God's intended way of communication with Him. Like most sins, they are attempts to get what we want outside of God's will and timing.

The Reality of the Spiritual World

While there is indeed a spiritual realm "thinly veiled" from our physical world, God has established proper channels for spiritual communication. The enemy can use signs and wonders to deceive people, as warned in 2 Thessalonians 2:9-10 and Mark 13:22.

The Example of King Saul

1 Samuel 28 provides a sobering example of what happens when we desperately seek spiritual answers outside of God's established ways. After the prophet Samuel's death, King Saul found himself terrified and facing a massive Philistine army. When God wouldn't answer him through proper channels, Saul made the tragic choice to consult a medium at Endor – the very practice he had previously banned from Israel.

This decision reveals several warning signs:

  • Desperation leading to compromise

  • Choosing fear over faith

  • Attempting to bypass God's silence

  • Returning to sins we once rejected

The outcome was disastrous. Instead of finding comfort, Saul received news of his impending defeat and death. His story serves as a powerful reminder that disobeying God's clear commands about mediums, even in desperate circumstances, leads to darkness rather than light.

How Should We Hear from God?

Instead of seeking shortcuts through mediums or other practices, God wants us to:

  1. Read and study His Word consistently

  2. Develop a disciplined prayer life

  3. Engage in Christian community

  4. Listen for His "whisper" through these spiritual disciplines

Life Application

This week, consider these questions and challenges:

  1. What spiritual shortcuts am I tempted to take instead of pursuing God's way?

  2. Am I developing the spiritual disciplines needed to hear God's voice?

  3. How can I be a conduit of God's truth to others seeking spiritual connection?

Challenge: Commit to spending 15 minutes each day this week in quiet Bible reading and prayer, eliminating distractions to better hear God's whisper.

Remember, while the desire to connect with loved ones who have passed is natural, God has given us His Spirit and His Word as our primary means of spiritual guidance and comfort.


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